7247 Center Road, Ashtabula Ohio 44004


Zoning Inspector: Jim Hudson

440-969-1106, Extension #1

Office hours: Tuesday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Closed 12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m. for lunch.


 If you are planning any construction such as building a new structure, putting up a fence, sign, pool, or shed, you are required to apply for a Zoning Permit before any work is started. This applies not only to residential but all industrial and commercial buildings. 

Permit applications can be picked up at the Administrative Office during regular business hours or printed from the website; completed permits may be dropped off anytime during regular business hours or deposited in the drop-box at the rear of the Administrative Office in the door.

 Board of Zoning   Appeals (BZA) :

  •  Dean Moore, Chairperson 
  •  Kathleen Kennedy, Vice-Chair
  •  Gary Carlson 
  •  Jason Keeler 
  •  Scott Russell, 1st Alternate 
  •  Vacant 2nd Alternate

Zoning Commission:

  • Daryl Upole, Chairperson 
  • Karen Keesler, Vice-Chairperson 
  • Alan Dalin, Secretary 
  • Joseph Petros, Jr. 
  • James Carlson, 1st Altenate

Zoning Downloads